* Do you tell yourself stories that you actually believe about being a not so great parent?
*Is time flying as a parent for you? Do you wonder what kind of impression you are making on your children?
*Have multiple children? Not sure how to make time for them ALL?
If you hear yourself answering yes to all or any of the above, it is time to get focused.
Parent educator and host, Maria Dismondy, will walk alongside you as you finish STRONG in 2019. Here's how the challenge works!
Email to Identify the Pain Point Each morning you will receive an email that is short and to the point, helping you identify an area to dive into changing in your parenting.
Live Video to Connect Maria will be live for a brief video each day to help parents connect to the daily focus, brainstorming ideas for growth and change.
Workbook for Action You will have a quick journaling piece each day, to implement strategies learned and will help you get the results you need!
For the last 20 years, I have been in the field of child development . As a classroom teacher, researcher, author, mother of three children and now parent educator, I am here to help you help yourself and find what works for you in this beautiful journey called Parenthood!
Step 1: Sign up for FREE
Step 2: Join us to Identify, Connect & Take Action!
Step 3: Start living the life you WANT to live!
Copyright 2019 Cardinal Rule Press